D-U-N-S Number is 118445583
CEO Bootcamp
Revenue Accelerator
Legacy Wealth 2023 and beyond
Participants will learn how to create the business and life balance desire by developing strategies that scale the business and drive revenue with increased margins, using systems that inspire employee performance. Our training is divided in three (3) modules and team building activities to thrive and safeguard your business against economic crises.
Participants benefit by developing their one-page Action Plan for Growth. This gives them clarity between their growth decisions and confidence to implement actions. Impact includes a roadmap to increase profit by 77%.
National Diversity Career Expo
The annual National Diversity Career Expo is a professional gathering to create the opportunity for employers to meet with professional diverse job seeker candidates to match them with career opportunities in the private sector, non-profits, as well as the federal, state and county government from the Washington Metro region.
International Business
Training Program
An exciting series of exchange to attract FDI via exchange between entrepreneurs, founders from Latin America and Europe creating an environment in which participants share their experience and receive insights technical assistance from our CEO Bootcamp Revenue Accelerator, face to face meetings, relevant discussions of topics ranging from international business relations, public policy and entrepreneurial activities. In addition, field visits includes Capitol Hill, U.S. Library of Congress, business meetings and B2B matchmakings.
Workforce Development and Career Transition Workshops
1) Accelerate Your Career By Creating Your Professional Narrative.
2) Resume Writing To Land Your Interview